Freezy, Breezy Spring Blues

The calendar may say April 18th, but the weather gods say we have to wait a little longer for the warm, sunny days we’re all craving. In the meantime, in Jersey City and environs, we’re facing a Nor’easter, plunging temperatures, and possible flooding. Up at our Adirondack cabin, the skiers are celebrating the 6-8 inches of snow that are expected. So until balmier days settle in FOR REAL, I’ll be layering on as many versatile options as I can find in my closet.

Pretty Little Spring Things

IMG_2386Spring is definitely in my dreams, if not quite in the air. Here in Jersey City we’re still waiting for all of Storm Stella’s now dirty snow to melt. But I love how much warmer the sun feels, how much longer it stays light outside. Don’t you?