Rainbow Run

Did it feel weird when you first returned to a more “normal” workout routine post COVID? It did for me. With the gym in our building closed for months during the pandemic, I definitely had to get creative about staying in shape — both mentally and physically. Going up and down the fire staircase (7 flights x 10 times) definitely proved aerobic, especially on bitter cold days. I also enjoyed bundling up for a long, waterfront walking loop around JC. With no free weights in our apartment or even available to order (did you try???), I took advantage of using the ones in our garage upstate whenever I could. We also have an Ergometer (rowing machine), and 25-40 minutes on that was a whole body challenge. As much as I wanted to try to consistently maintain my best weight, best fitness, best energy levels, working out also kept my brain clearer, my mood less dark too.

My Fitness Journey, Part One

OK, first caveat. I am no expert on fitness. But I embrace being fit. I studied ballet from ages 5 to 13, then switched to modern dance in high school and college and years after. During that time, my Dad tried desperately to get me to fall in love with with tennis. I didn’t hate it, but the times didn’t stress girls in sports. OK, now I know! Fast forward to my marriage to a diehard jock and giving birth to three sons. Tennis, Football, Ice Hockey, Baseball, Soccer, Lacrosse, Basketball…and that’s just Elementary school.  (Don’t worry, art and music classes balanced out  their activities!) High school added Sailing, Cross Country, Track, and even Ultimate Frisbeee. Vacations added Skiing and Snowboarding. It was a challenge to keep up with my uber active family. I think I’ve been doing pretty well all these years. And yes, I do kinda sorta play tennis. And ski. But to be honest, these days I find myself in a bit of in a rut. So this post is here and now. Let me know your thoughts and comments. Let’s see where we go!