We spent this past weekend up at our cabin with Christmas decorating topping my “To Do” list. Since we’ll arrive Christmas Eve day, I wanted everything up and ready to welcome our Boys. We were also invited to a lovely holiday party at one of the historic Adirondack Camps in Keene Valley. So not all work and no play!
I’ve collected A LOT of decorations since we bought our first home in 1993. When we downsized from a rambling Victorian where I decorated every room, I had to pare back and pick what would work in the city and what would work in the country. I’ve also got boxes (and boxes!) stored in a dear friend’s basement. That’s a 2017 resolution. I like to group like things — Santas, snowmen, angels, nutcrackers — in obvious and unexpected places. And I love remembering the stories they tell us every time we unpack them.
Since Home is where the Hearth is, we’ll start there…
Santas, Santas everywhere…nestled on beams, standing sentry. LOVE our Jamaican Santa complete with Red Stripe.
Snowmen line the stairs to the loft and greet you at the front door.
Dining a la Glow!
Sprinkle sparkle, magic and love in little ways.
Since we travel back and forth I can’t keep a real evergreen watered. Not to mention we can just look out our windows and see a mountainside of them! The solution? A lovely pre-lit faux birch tree from one of my local favorite’s Big Crow Trading, complete with woodland creatures and acorn ornaments.
Every cabin needs a jingle bell on the front door and a welcoming bench for taking off snowy boots.
I probably drive Chris crazy with my once a year holiday soundtrack, but it really puts me in the mood and makes the whole process, well, perfect.
Wishing you peace, love and happiness!
The stairs! What a fun idea. And surprising places, with very unusual pieces which are all so witty and festive. Taking notes!
Thanks, KMG. Had a lot of fun, especially singing along with my holiday CD collection.
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Thank you for sharing!
FESTIV-bulous, MP!!!
Such wonderful decorations!
Christmas charming!
My favorites are the cardinals on the wooden chandelier, the silver cone with finch and rose, the lovely pre-lit birch, Bowie’s “boot” but most of all … the Tim Burton snow person with a top hat (LOVE!).
Where did you ever find him/her/it?!?
Soon your delicious cooking aromas will be wafting throughout!
If I were Santa, I’d park my sleigh outside and stay for the holiday duration!
Just love this comment! Thank you, thank you. Think the TB “snow person” was a Montclair find years ago. He’s been with us a long time. Hopefully he’ll survive an ADK Christmas.