What do you do when you’ve made the bed, thrown in a load of laundry, worked out and are still waiting on the Hubs to get home? How about a little DIY! Since our afternoon plan centered around a local Studio Tour, I guess I felt inspired to do a little something “artistic” with a recent consignment find. In case you’ve been hiding under a rock, this Summer straw/sea grass/rattan/basket bags are all the rage. And Pom Poms! And while I love the looks other Bloggers are rocking, I couldn’t help wanting to put my own spin on a top 2017 trend. And yes, it literally took me minutes.
Cute bag I bought at Adirondack Attic for just $12.
Bring on the Pom Poms! I bought 3 boxes of 3 color ways at Kids Made Modern at Target months ago and haven’t stopped playing with them since. This Pom Pom Party box is the perfect way for you to bring your inner DIYer out! And don’t fear the glue gun. Get one. Stat.
Hard to see, but this is my peace sign template. I used an art pencil and dessert bowl to create the circle, then filled in the lines.
And there you go! Your very own custom-designed summer straw bag. I think a heart or multiple little flowers would be cute too. Next DIY?
Our local Ausable River Valley Studio Tour was the perfect venue to show off my latest creation. (And yes, compliments were heard.) My outfit is “shop my closet”: J. Crew C’EST PARFAIT tee, Current/Elliot distressed jeans and silver Birkies.
Apologies for not posting “similar” links, but my Verizon mo-fi is not cooperating. If you’d like to check out some fun options J. Crew has tons of cute tees on super sale now, the Nordstrom Sale has awesome denim options, and Zappos has more Birkies than you could ever want. (I have my eye on navy and white patent.)
And let me know if you have some more pom pom DIY ideas or requests!
All photos by Chris & MP Allegaert
Nice bag!
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Straw bag is really hot in this summer day. Your custom-designed bag is unique. I like DIY, it always brings us something different and new inspiration of fashion.
Thanks, Lane. Let me know if you come up with your own DIY version! Happy Summer!!