New York Fashion Week came and went once again. My closest brush to its spotlight was long ago in the early 80s when I walked in one show. This year? I wasn’t invited to any shows, which were by and large panned by most fashion critics. But I did love seeing all the street style — some of it inspiring, some outlandish. All in all, I was feeling the need to step a bit out of my comfort zone. Perhaps forego my usual flats in favor of some heels. I’d also recently learned that my vision has actually improved, so I would need new prescription glasses. No better time than now to try out some pretty fashion-forward sunnies and see just how I felt about going bolder, bigger. The answer? I’m not sure they are really “me.” But I did get a kick out of trying out a new look, even for just one day.
Tag: anya hindmarch
DIY: Stickers for Grown-ups
I bought this Gucci bag (with the real deal bamboo handle) in 1994 when I was a Copy Director for Elizabeth Arden. I was a 30-something full-time-commuting-working Mom of two with #3 on the way. I was proud of my ability to multi-task (hah!) and earn some serious cash but also quite often overwhelmed and exhausted and putting myself last.