Hello, Holidays! Thanksgiving was just over a week ago. Do you feel like you blinked and one fantastic holiday is now hurtling towards another? I don’t know about you, but this time of year I feel like everything goes into hyper mode. I made a detailed TO DO list today, and guess what, not checking it all off. But while we’re all multi-tasking, let’s also take a deep breath. We’ve got time to get it done.
Tag: christmas in the city
Christmas in the City
2016 sure has been quite the year. Amidst a slew of music and art icons passing away, a wild and contentious political scene, worldwide terrorism and tragedy, I hope you’ve also enjoyed some joyful surprises, good health, successes on every front, loving family and friends. I for one am going to hold onto my wish for peace for everyone, everywhere as we head into 2017.
Even though it’s a little worse for the wear, I am always happy to hang this vintage greeting. Now that we’re living in an apartment, the front door was the perfect spot. In our city place, I take a much more streamlined approach to holiday decorating. I still want that magic mix of sparkle and schmaltz, but I also love the clean lines and flow of our open plan space and don’t want to overdo.
I think I reached a good balance that’s fun for a few weeks but also easy to pack up and stow away in an hour or two. Hope you enjoy our holiday scene!