We finally had a chilly day last week. One. But it was the perfect opportunity to shoot this adorable faux fur jacket. I first spied it online, then tried it on in-store, then finally broke down and ordered it online. And I LOVE it. It is so cute and so cozy I want more cold weather. Pronto. I’m wearing a “borrowed from the boys” kind of outfit with it, but it will look super when paired with a velvet dress or…just about anything.
OK…are you in love with this jacket yet? It’s neutral color paired with an eye-catching patchwork design made it a must-have for me. It’s whimsical and chic all at once. And it’s design also helps you avoid the look of a walking, talking stuffed animal. It will look great with everything from distressed jeans to a dressed-up evening out.
The rest of my look is basically a low key, tomboy-ish take on pants and a top. In case you haven’t noticed, check patterns are everywhere this Fall. I wanted a new pair of pants that were on trend but wouldn’t break the bank. And this pair delivered. I’m still jones-ing for a Gucci belt, but this studded leather option with a bold buckle will more than fit the bill until I go for it. If you don’t own a jean or chambray shirt, you should. They are great however you style them — understated here but how cute with a metallic skirt or leather/pleather leggings! To finish off this look, I did shop my closet.
It took awhile for these two-tone booties purchased a couple of years ago to grow on me. But guess what? Now it’s love. And this bag was a crazy splurge 8 or 9 years ago. Then, I used it daily. Hence, it’s distressed look. But guess what…that’s the fashion vibe now. Which means this investment piece more than paid for itself. So… I guess if I’m offering any pearls of Fashion wisdom, it’s splurge on the shoes and bag.
Jacket: (Zara) but check out this and this, too!
Shirt: (old, Gap) but great options here and here
Belt: (Treasure & Bond) Gucci obsession here
Pants: (Zara) but love these and these
Boots: (old, Rachel Comey x Club Monaco) but so cute here and here
Bag: (old, Balenicaga) but new here and more affordable version here
Photos by Chris & MP Allegaert
Thanks for the tips MP. Needed the distraction and the pick me up- Shopping for clothes is so therapeutic xo
The best therapy! xoxo