Rocking Into Spring Like…

Despite temps that are still fairly cool, I’m determined to get my seasonal wardrobe switchover completed this weekend. I do this twice a year, and it’s a great way to assess what I loved wearing and what I did not. I also create keep, re-sell, and donate piles. And while these days I’m really focusing on downsizing my closet, I can also clearly make note of any new must-haves I’m missing.

Dressing Ironically

Is the weather where you are as wacky as the weather here? These days, I can head out in jeans and a tee and end up in a cozy jacket like this one — with a little wind or rain thrown in for good measure. So a beanie paired with no socks is not as crazy as it might seem. Happy to report that starting today I’m leaning into the idea that it’s actually warm outside, so much so, that I got a sandal-ready pedicure!

Dressing Up For Spring

Finally the forecast is looking brighter and warmer. Even so, I haven’t yet undertaken my closet switch from fall/winter to spring/summer. In the meantime, I’ve still got a fave pair of booties to slip on. They’re oldies but goodies, and a perfect footwear choice to pair with this cute new (very affordable!) dress.

Springing Forward!

No, you are not seeing double. With the hope that warmer days are ahead, I decided to style this cozy sherpa barn jacket from my last post with some of my favorite spring essentials. Like I said in my earlier post, it’s a great layering piece — lightweight yet fully capable of keeping you toasty when necessary. I even think it’s camouflaging how darn cold I really was!

Stripes & Sparkle

Anogher holiday season is upon us. Hope you enjoyed a great Thanksgiving with family and friends and haven’t fallen too far down the rabbit hole of Black Friday shopping. I’ve got multiple online carts full, but haven’t checked out…yet. In the meantime, let’s celebrate a few of my favorite fashion things — stripes and sparkle. Both being perfect wardrobe additions any time of year, but especially in the days ahead.

Covid Closet Cleanout

Between family and friends, everyone I know and care about is coming down with Covid or recovering from it. While it’s scary, this wave is nowhere near as terrifying as our world was a year ago — before we all could get vaccinated. Spoiler alert: if you’re Anti-Vax, stop reading now. And I guess, if you want to take it further, stop following me. Because while I’m concerned about becoming infected this time around, I trust the science that’s given us all a weapon against this killer Pandemic. If you’ve hesitated, please, please, please get vaccinated. And if you are vaxed, don’t skip that booster! And if you’re vaxed, boosted and bored, think about a closet cleanout.

How does my garden grow?

With wildflowers in all their colorful and unruly glory! Amidst the ongoing Coronavirus Crisis, it hasn’t been lost on me that I am blessed to have this idyllic hideaway to escape to. Chris and I have stayed healthy thus far, even going back and forth between our cabin and our Jersey City apartment, and I really (really!) don’t want to get sick now. That’s why I’ve been spending most of my time up in the Adirondacks, where it’s wild and beautiful and much easier to practice social distancing while still gathering with friends who are doing the same. Not to mention hiking on trails and walking in the woods or on quiet roads without crowds of people. I carry my mask along and wear it as soon as I approach anyone else. I can breathe up here. And I can smell the flowers!

White Silence

Last week I made my first trip on mass transit into the city to go for a doctor’s appointment. Afterwards I walked the length of Madison Avenue from 96th Street to the Path train at 32nd Street. I don’t think I’m exaggerating if I call this the ultimate corridor of White Privilege. Now however, every store front was either boarded up or empty with a For Rent sign. Nothing had been looted or damaged. It was an eerie and disturbing experience. And I had more than 3 miles to think about it. One thought I had. What if every boarded up storefront had signage in support of Black Lives Matter — instead of no statement.