Kicking it in Crocs

Hiya. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season with family, friends, food, parties, presents, maybe snow, maybe sunshine, and everything else your heart desires. We decided that given my gimpy post-surgery foot, celebrating in Savannah made more sense than roughing it in the Adirondack mountains. And I’m thrilled to report that I stuffed my foot into a sneaker today! Woo hoo!! Next up? These glittery winter-white Crocs.

Fall 2016: On the Fringe

img_6066I was feeling free-spirited and optimistic when we shot this post a few weeks ago. Today I’m in a more somber mood. I’m going to look at my HRC button featured here as a talisman to get me through the next few months, then the four unchartered years to come. I had originally wanted to title this post “Fringe Benefits ” but knowing who we have coming into the White House I thought…maybe not. If you don’t subscribe to my political beliefs, you are certainly entitled to your views. I just hope you’ll embrace your victory with grace, not gloating. And that glass ceiling will be shattered. Of that, I’m sure.