Hiya. Hope you are having a wonderful holiday season with family, friends, food, parties, presents, maybe snow, maybe sunshine, and everything else your heart desires. We decided that given my gimpy post-surgery foot, celebrating in Savannah made more sense than roughing it in the Adirondack mountains. And I’m thrilled to report that I stuffed my foot into a sneaker today! Woo hoo!! Next up? These glittery winter-white Crocs.
Tag: cashmere
Puff Love
Well, Puxsutawney Phil has declared another six weeks of winter, so those of us in colder climes will not be putting our puffers away any time soon. That being said, when we get a sunny day with temps in the 40s, it almost feels like Spring. So a puffer vest is the perfect option.
Black & Grey Color Blocking
Hopefully “mess” is not the message you get from this outfit. Grey, in all its nuances, happens to be one of my favorite shades. It looks great combined with almost any other color, in particular brown, navy and, of course, black.
Fall 2016: On the Fringe
I was feeling free-spirited and optimistic when we shot this post a few weeks ago. Today I’m in a more somber mood. I’m going to look at my HRC button featured here as a talisman to get me through the next few months, then the four unchartered years to come. I had originally wanted to title this post “Fringe Benefits ” but knowing who we have coming into the White House I thought…maybe not. If you don’t subscribe to my political beliefs, you are certainly entitled to your views. I just hope you’ll embrace your victory with grace, not gloating. And that glass ceiling will be shattered. Of that, I’m sure.
Fall 2016: A Little Bit Country
When we’re up at our cabin, we just love going to Sugar House Creamery in Upper Jay, NY.