The calendar may say April 18th, but the weather gods say we have to wait a little longer for the warm, sunny days we’re all craving. In the meantime, in Jersey City and environs, we’re facing a Nor’easter, plunging temperatures, and possible flooding. Up at our Adirondack cabin, the skiers are celebrating the 6-8 inches of snow that are expected. So until balmier days settle in FOR REAL, I’ll be layering on as many versatile options as I can find in my closet.
Tag: spring accessories
Spotted in the City
Isn’t this just the toughest time of year to get your fashion on? One day it’s 60s and sunny and the next raining and 40s. I do a big closet changeover twice a year, but I’ve been holding off. So my best advice for this crazy, unpredictable time of year is…accessories!
Pretty Little Spring Things
Spring is definitely in my dreams, if not quite in the air. Here in Jersey City we’re still waiting for all of Storm Stella’s now dirty snow to melt. But I love how much warmer the sun feels, how much longer it stays light outside. Don’t you?