I Queen, you Queen, we all Queen! But for what? How about whatever your heart desires. If I put aside my To Do list for 24 hours, and crowned myself Queen for a Day, where would I start? Hmmm, it’s hard to do whatever you want to do. We’re all so programmed to do what we need to, have to, simply can’t not do. While Queen for a Day is still a work in progress, I’m pretty sure I can come up with one simple thing I really want to do each and every day. And then give myself the time and permission to do it. Baby steps, right? Or maybe a leap now and then.

Spoiler alert! While this post features some end-of-summer outfit inspo, I’m also sharing some of my musings on Blogging in general. So before we get into the more serious stuff, let’s talk about this light, bright look — both in color and mood.
Starting from the top, as in this pretty white, puff-sleeved top. If there’s one fabric that screams summer, it’s eyelet (as seen here, here and here.). Eyelet is feminine, flirty and airy. Which I very much needed on this blazingly hot (97 degrees!) day. Next, these PINK (yes, I know, PINK, again!) pants. I love the contrast of a “tough” utility/cargo silhouette in a pretty, and unexpected, color. I kept it simple for my accessories — dangling earrings (sorry, we blew the close-ups), a fun little straw bag (also seen here and here) and studded sandals (seen here and here). For me, it’s the mix of sweet and strong that gives this look that extra kick.
On a humorous note…have you noticed that most Bloggers and Instas have perfected one or two “Go To” poses? Look left, look right, purse those lips, dangle that designer bag from the crook of your arm, extend one leg, point your toes just so…Well, I have noticed. And I plead guilty, too. That’s why we tried for some out-of-the-box moments for this post. Guess what? We had fun! I never want to share the “same old same old,” but it’s easy to fall back into your comfort zone of what looks “good” when taking photos. Believe me, you don’t want to see a stomach pooch, or wrinkly crinkly neck, or goofy expression. Or do you? Is that more real?? More approachable and appealing??? Would love to know your thoughts! In the meantime, I’m going to do my best to share a less pose-y, more spontaneous me.
On a more serious note…September is fast approaching, and that means so is the 3rd Blog-versary for Life’s a Spritz. While getting this blog (and its Insta) up and running has been a lot of fun, it’s also been A LOT of work. When I started Life’s a Spritz I wanted its focus to be more of a “lifestyle” source than a “style” source. But as the time constraints of keeping to a content schedule became a reality, fashion posts became my fallback. Fashion is fun, colorful, eye-catching (Insta likes!), escapist. And while it’s definitely a passion of mine, fashion is not ALL THAT. It just became all that. And all that was all too much.
Trying to stay ahead of the trends, not to mention shopping (and returning ’cause I can’t actually keep all this stuff!), styling, shooting, photo editing, and then writing something informative/entertaining/inspirational became a sort of creative hamster wheel. And this hamster had to get off! In the coming weeks, I will be posting more varied content — recipes, design ideas, DIY, travel, health and beauty. I hope you’ll continue with me on this journey…not to mention enjoy it even more! I would love to hear from you about any topics you’d like me to tackle. I do my best to read and respond to and so appreciate every comment, so don’t be shy.
Now let’s go and enjoy these last days of Summer!
Top: (Gap, sold out) But love their sleeveless version (under $30 and extra 20% off with code SUNNY), as well as this (cute and sexy tie back!) and this (on sale plus extra checkout discount!).
Pants: (Topshop, sold out) Similar here, here and here (limited sizes in pink but love the Fall-ready loden). And all of these are on sale!
Bag: (old) Super cute alternatives here and here (virtually identical) or DIY a straw bag you already own with this!
Shoes: (Valentino) More affordable options here and here.
Photos by Spencer Allegaert, Photo Editing by Kristin Moore-Gantz.