When it comes to jeans, I’ve always been true blue to a cuffed, straight leg silhouette. I have even been known to buy jeans in a Tall length — just so I can get an extra big cuff. This pair also features a super high waist. Again, a look and feel I fully endorse.
If you’re of a certain age and you grew up in a city like I did (NYC in my case), then you know that if you had roof access, you had “tar beach” access. “Tar” comes from the tar paper most roofs were finished with, as hot as it sounds. And really nothing like a “beach,” except for the sun. And hopefully a passing breeze every now and then. But it was also a little slice of urban paradise when you didn’t have a local pool or beach. So these pics, inspired by this colorful sundress, are a nod to those times gone by. But not forgotten!