If you’re of a certain age and you grew up in a city like I did (NYC in my case), then you know that if you had roof access, you had “tar beach” access. “Tar” comes from the tar paper most roofs were finished with, as hot as it sounds. And really nothing like a “beach,” except for the sun. And hopefully a passing breeze every now and then. But it was also a little slice of urban paradise when you didn’t have a local pool or beach. So these pics, inspired by this colorful sundress, are a nod to those times gone by. But not forgotten!

I’m lucky enough to have a really nice roof with grills, seating areas, chaise lounges, plantings, even a giant chess set. Still no pool, but you can’t have everything. These pics are actually on the hidden part of the roof where all the cooling units and vents are housed. It was an accidental discovery (shhh), but kind of a happy one because it really had a “boardwalk” vibe. Not to mention a view of perhaps the most perfectly ironic billboard. Haven’t been to Surf City Beach Bar & Restaurant, but I guess I will have to check it out.
So about this sundress…Here’s the real deal by Alemais. I truly love it, but not the price tag. And while I’m generally not an endorser of designer knock-offs, sometimes you gotta make an exception to the rule. In this case, I’m quite happy with my choice. While it’s not the high quality, lightweight cotton of the original (thanks to Poly and Ester), it’s still a breezy, beachy option I’m going to enjoy wearing it all summer long. And at a fraction of the price. Who knows? Maybe the coveted original will go on sale. One can only hope!
With a dress this “statement-y,” I like to keep my accessories simple and sweet. You know I love anything you can personalize, and these “M” and “P” CZ necklaces are cute, colorful, and affordable. Get yours! I shopped my closet for the straw tote. The boldly buckled, Birkie-inspired sandals are a new find from a brand I already love (as seen here).
I do have a a few beach getaways planned for August and September, but until then, there’s always “tar beach.” Happy Summer!
Dress: (Amazon, runs TTS, under $23!) Other sundresses I love here, here (on sale) and here (47% off).
Bag: (Ganni) Similar designer options here, here (girls version but so cute) and here (37% off).
Necklace: (Adornia, under $25)
Sandals: (Shutz) Affordable waterproof version here.
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Photography by Kristin Moore-Gantz @artdirectthis.
Such a fun and statement-making dress! That “Poly and Ester” line really cracked me up! Thanks for the chuckle 😂💛
Thanks, Elisa. Glad I made ya chuckle!