Let’s Go Glamping!

If you’ve been following the blog for awhile and seen pics of our cabin and Adirondack activities, you already know I’m a big fan of the great outdoors. In truth, I haven’t been camping since my early 20s. Like lots of lucky kids (especially city ones), I spent many happy weeks away at summer camp. And this coming Fall, I will be “glamping” with a group of girlfriends in airstream campers at Joshua Tree. But in the meantime, I’ve got the perfect getaway right in my Jersey City neighborhood!

Boho Rhapsody

When it comes to fashion, Boho is a free-spirited, eclectic style inspired by different cultures and artistic expressions with an emphasis on organic elements and nature. It’s often characterized by long, flowy dresses or skirts that are embellished with embroidery and intricate designs. I love the look, especially in the summer!

Style in the Wild

This look is a great example of how pieces that don’t go together in an obvious way come together perfectly. From newest to oldest, I shopped my closet for everything. Despite it being a spontaneous splurge, my bag is truly a beloved collectible at this point. In fact, I just packed it for our recent trip to the UK and got so many positive comments about it. I also packed this jacket, dress, belt and sneakers, too. And they all helped bring a versatile style spark to my limited travel wardrobe.

On the Road Again…Part 3

While it’s always fun to revisit favorite places, it’s pretty special to experience someplace new. And when that place is Charleston, you are one lucky traveler. A South Carolina port city founded in 1670, Charleston is defined by its cobblestone streets, (somewhat controversial) horse-drawn carriages, and pastel antebellum houses — particularly in the elegant French Quarter and Battery districts. It’s a city made for walking…and walking.

On the Road Again…Part 1

It’s hard to believe it’s been a month since Chris and I got back from our 16-day road trip down south. Of course, I wanted to get this post done weeks ago, but my “day job” as a freelance Creative Director took over my writing output and then we came down with COVID. But, just like our escape from a dreary start of Spring to Florida sunshine, there is light at the end of the tunnel. We’re both feeling much better (negative test, please!), and I can finally get the details of our adventure out to you.

Freezy, Breezy Spring Blues

The calendar may say April 18th, but the weather gods say we have to wait a little longer for the warm, sunny days we’re all craving. In the meantime, in Jersey City and environs, we’re facing a Nor’easter, plunging temperatures, and possible flooding. Up at our Adirondack cabin, the skiers are celebrating the 6-8 inches of snow that are expected. So until balmier days settle in FOR REAL, I’ll be layering on as many versatile options as I can find in my closet.

My Biggest Shopping Tip Ever!

Four weeks ago, Chris and I had enough of chilly, grey March and decided a road trip to Florida was our escape plan. (More on that to follow!) The whole time we were gone, my Jersey City and NYC friends and family were messaging me about the horrible, rainy cold weather. Truth be told, an actual cold front took over the first few days of our trip as well. One thing I can say is that I really, really wished I had this cozy quilted coat with me! Which brings me to the biggest shopping tip I have honed over years of fashion fandom. And that is…shop off season, shop the sales! Now more than ever!! You might not get the immediate gratification of a fabulous new seasonal addition to your closet, but you will score some serious wardrobe options to look forward to.