Star Powered Suiting

It has been my professional pleasure and honor (yes indeed!) to work with — the one, the only, stylist to the stars — Zerina Akers on some amazing broadcast and digital projects. Zerina is so talented and professional but also so fun, humble, beautiful, and smart. Hanging out on set with her — even if we had to power through a 14-hour day — was always the best experience. So when she launched her latest Icons of Style collab with Macy’s, I was beyond excited. Kudos to Macy’s for working with these five Black visionaries to move the world of fashion forward. I’m just happy I can play a small part in this amazing, empowering movement. Brava, Zerina!

All the Fall Cozies: Look #3

Is there anything cozier than a quilt? Well, a quilt-patterned jacket comes pretty close. I love how the mixed prints and colors create a striking patchwork design. Maybe it’s my 1960s Greenwich Village childhood, but I’ve always been partial to modern pieces with a retro vibe. This puffer jacket delivers all the feels..and then some.

All the Fall Cozies: Look #2

Coming your way…more of my Fall faves. As in key pieces you can layer your way, wear every day. FYI, this was my first time shooting a post solo with my new tripod and remote. It’s pretty funny, and fun, to be on top of a mountain and posing for pics. Not sure what Bowie thought about the whole thing. He was probably more interested in the chipmunks!

All the Fall Cozies: Look #1

Hi there. I know I haven’t posted in a couple of weeks. The good news? I was busy with 2 pretty juicy freelance projects. The even better news? One down, and one moving along really well. So before Monday morning and a 9am Zoom call roll around, I wanted to get this post written and out to you. Because…it includes some of most favorite Fall finds, from classic keepers to absolute steals. 

One Last Look at Summer

With a full Harvest Moon high in the sky, Fall is fast upon us. But with temps staying in the mid 70s, it’s going to be hard to let go of Summer. Before we bundle up, I wanted to share one last look that was inspired by one of my favorite warm weather dresses. This one is all about eyelet — a pretty, versatile, durable lace fabric with a long history. A history where beauty and toughness meet in the best way possible. Can you tell I love eyelet?

Summer Meet September

While it’s not officially Fall for several days, it’s always bittersweet when Summer starts to fade away. Sure it’s fun to think about cozy sweaters, favorite boots and toasty fireside cocktails, but there are also frigid temps, slushy streets and cancelled flights ahead. Be that as it may, this September I for one am going to keep walking on the sunny side of the street for as long as I can.

Dress in Color!

There’s no better time than summer for a colorful dress…or two. I actually bought this one last year for a shoot but just wasn’t feeling like celebrating anything other than remaining COVID-free. This summer, despite the Delta variant, it’s starting to feel like we’re finding our way to a happier, healthier, more hopeful place. And what really feels truer than ever is that by wearing brighter colors you just might project an energy and warmth into the world that gets reflected back to you.

Rainbow Run

Did it feel weird when you first returned to a more “normal” workout routine post COVID? It did for me. With the gym in our building closed for months during the pandemic, I definitely had to get creative about staying in shape — both mentally and physically. Going up and down the fire staircase (7 flights x 10 times) definitely proved aerobic, especially on bitter cold days. I also enjoyed bundling up for a long, waterfront walking loop around JC. With no free weights in our apartment or even available to order (did you try???), I took advantage of using the ones in our garage upstate whenever I could. We also have an Ergometer (rowing machine), and 25-40 minutes on that was a whole body challenge. As much as I wanted to try to consistently maintain my best weight, best fitness, best energy levels, working out also kept my brain clearer, my mood less dark too.

On Cloud Nine

What a difference a year makes. While we still have many people to get vaccinated, the darkest clouds of COVID have lifted, and we can once again go out into our new world. Sure, life is going to be different — we’ll have to be smarter and safer, but we can let some of that overwhelming fear fall away and just have fun. Like shooting this post without wearing a mask. In addition to featuring this amazing Cloud Dress, I could show off my new and improved Invisalign smile (more to come on that). And share spur-of-the-moment inspiration and some laughs with Kristin, my super talented photographer/art director. Talk about being on Cloud Nine!